Contact Us

Student Life Office

Franciscan Hall 107
Fax: (716) 648 - 3327

Dr. Todd Harris
Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students

Barb DeLaRosa
Administrative Assistant
Call: (716) 926 - 8793

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday

8:30am - 5:00pm

8:30am - 4:30pm 

Hilbert College Students near the front entrance


At Hilbert, classes are only half the story. The Student Life Office offers myriad opportunities to help you meet new friends, develop your leadership skills, get involved on campus, make a difference in the community, or build a great resume.

From athletics, activities on campus and off, student organizations, and local attractions, college at Hilbert offers you a chance to learn more about yourself and those around you, and have some fun. Get involved, be active and expand your world!


Students who rode the Hawk Shuttle last year and plan to utilize the shuttle this year will be eligible to receive a free NFTA unlimited bus pass. Starting Monday, August 21, 2023, students may request an unlimited bus pass. If you didn't ride the shuttle last year and would like to discuss transportation options, please contact the Office of the Dean of Student Life at (716) 926-8793. 

Request a Bus Pass