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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the process by which library materials are made available by one library to another.
How Do I Submit a Request?
If it is a book, please check the online catalog first to see if the item is owned by McGrath Library. We cannot fill requests for books that we own, even if the item is checked out. In the case of journal articles, there is an embedded ILL form in some of the article databases. For assistance setting up an ILL account and requesting resources please visit the Reference Desk on the first floor of the Library.
Who is Eligible to Use ILL?
Current faculty, staff and students of Hilbert College.
What Materials Can Be Requested?
Books and copies of journal articles may be requested through ILL. Audio-visual and multimedia materials and textbooks are usually not available for loan, but they may be available. We cannot request entire issues of journals or computer software due to copyright law restrictions.
Is There a Charge?
Most of the time, we are able to obtain the materials you need free of charge. When we are not able to do so, you will be asked if you are willing to pay for the material before we order it.
How Long Does ILL Take?
We are committed to rapidly processing ILL requests. Articles usually arrive within a few days, while books can take approximately seven to ten days, although there are exceptions. Ultimately, delivery time depends on processing, mail and delivery method of the lending institution. Note also that there may be times when we are unable to successfully borrow the material you want, so start your research early.
How Will My Material Be Delivered?
Whenever possible, requested articles may be delivered via email; please see the ILL form or the Library Director, for more information. In all other cases, you may pick up your material at the reference desk any time that the Library is open. Items for faculty can be delivered to a campus mailbox. You will be contacted by telephone and/or email when your material is available.
How Long Can I Keep ILL Material?
PDF versions of articles are yours to keep. Keep in mind that PDFs will expire in your ILL account after 30 days, please save PDF versions of articles in a personal folder in order to keep a permanent version. Books borrowed through ILL may be checked out, with the due date depending on the lending library's policy. Books must be returned to the Reference Desk on or before the due date. If you need a renewal, please ask before the due date. Some libraries may not allow renewals, so plan your research accordingly.
Book Reviews as ILL Requests
The InterLibrary Loan Staff will normally turn down article requests for Book Reviews. If you are intentionally requesting a Book Review, please let us know in the Notes section of the request form. The reasons for this policy are as follows:
*Book Reviews are typically not considered scholarly sources for academic research and are not subject to peer-review.
*Copyright restrictions force us to abide by the rule of five, wherein interlibrary loan access is granted without copyright restriction for up to (5) items from a scholarly publication within the course of (1) calendar year. We would like to avoid exhausting our access to academic titles by requesting book reviews.
A notice of the request cancellation will be emailed explaining this procedure and offering an option to resubmit the request for the actual book and/or the Book Review.