Updates and Information on Hilbert College's Spring 2022 COVID Policies
Dear Hilbert College Community Members,
There are updates and information to share about our COVID-19 policies this semester:
- As a reminder, all on-campus community members are required to be vaccinated and masks are required in all indoor settings.
- Boosters are highly recommended.
- Please remember to upload your vaccination cards to the Hilbert website (button is below) when you receive your vaccination boosters. We are currently at a 92% vaccination rate.
- All medical and religious exemptions have been reviewed. Each student and employee who have approved exemptions are required to test weekly to remain on campus. Those individuals will call Inspired Health Group at 716-662-7008 to schedule those testing appointments. There are no charges for testing, but please remember to bring your insurance cards to appointments.
- Community members who have had a positive COVID-19 diagnosis within the past 3 months, do NOT need to test as they have natural immunity during that time. These test results need to be emailed to Dr. Siuta at csiuta@hilbert.edu.
- All individuals who have a positive diagnosis must isolate for 5 days. If asymptomatic and without a fever for 24 hours, they may return to normal on Day 6 with continued mask-wearing on campus.
- If individuals have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 and are fully vaccinated (within 5 months of the Pfizer, 6 months of the Moderna, and 2 months of the J& J), they do NOT need to quarantine if asymptomatic. They continue to wear a mask but do not need to isolate. If they are symptomatic in any way, they need to isolate for at least the 5 initial days.
- If community members have been exposed and have no booster or are unvaccinated with an approved exemption, they must isolate for 5 days, whether symptomatic or not. If after 5 days they are asymptomatic with no fever for 24 hours, they may return to normal on Day 6 with continued mask-wearing.
- When you have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, you need to send your result via email to Dr. Siuta. Contact tracing will be done and a plan for you will be put into effect. We are told that Erie County Department of Health are not completing their tracing protocols as they had in the past, but we still need to report our numbers to them.
Inspired Health Group does not have any booster vaccines. We are sending students and employees to any local pharmacy for those, i.e. Rite Aid, Walgreens, CVS, etc. You do NOT need to continue with the same vaccine for each booster from the original series, Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson.
As always, the Hilbert College Wellness Center and Inspired Health Group are here for you during these difficult times. You can call Dr. Siuta at 716-926-8930, extension 232, or IHG at 716-662-7008. ShariKay Shearing is our liaison with IHG and is available to talk if you ever have any questions.
The COVID-19 Response Manual is available here which can provide additional information based on the highlights above.

Michael Brophy, Ph.D.