Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement
The Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement (BCSSE) collects data about entering college students' high school academic and co-curricular experiences, as well as their expectations for participating in educationally purposeful activities during the first college year.
BCSSE administration takes place during orientation, prior to the start of fall classes, and is often paired with a NSSE administration at the end of the first college year, providing an in-depth understanding of first-year student engagement.
BCSSE Results Support Development of Foundations Seminar
BCSSE results from 2010 through 2012 indicated that compared to students at other private, 4-year colleges and universities across the nation, many of Hilbert’s first-year students reported having been less academically engaged in high school, expected to be less academically engaged in college and anticipated a lower degree of academic challenge during their first year of college.
Being engaged and having appropriate expectations of higher education are critical for students’ success. To that end Hilbert College has implemented a First Year Experience for all incoming students. Through the Foundations Seminar all first year students are acquainted with the college experience and provided with the tools and expectations that will help ensure their success at Hilbert.
BCSSE Reports
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