Student Engagement
The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) asks college students to report on a number of activities and experiences that are known to be indicators of quality in an undergraduate education. Institutions use their data to identify aspects of the undergraduate experience inside and outside the classroom that can be improved through changes in policies and practices more consistent with good practices in undergraduate education.
This information is also used by prospective college students, their parents, college counselors, academic advisers, institutional research officers, and researchers in learning more about how students spend their time at different colleges and universities and what they gain from their experiences.
Hilbert will be again administering the NSSE during the spring 2015 semester.
Highlighted Results from the 2012
National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)
- 94% of first-years and seniors rate their educational experience at Hilbert College as good or excellent.
- 91% of first-year students and 93% of seniors rate the quality of academic advising at Hilbert College as good or excellent.
- 91% of seniors say that Hilbert College has contributed substantially toward their acquiring a broad, general education and 86% report that their experience at Hilbert College has contributed substantially to their acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills.
- 90% of seniors report discussing career plans with faculty.
- 87% of seniors would choose Hilbert College again if they could start their college career over.
- 87% of first-year students and 96% of seniors say faculty are available, helpful and sympathetic.
- 81% of first-year students feel that Hilbert College provides substantial support for their academic success.
- 78% of first-year students report that their peers are friendly, supportive, and give them a sense of belonging.
- 77% of first-year students feel that Hilbert College places substantial emphasis on academics.
Reports of NSSE Results
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