Hilbert College students travel to the Dominican Republic for a service learning trip.

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Rachel Wozniak
Assistant Vice President for Student Life - Career Development, Service Learning & Community Engagement
Center for Student Involvement & Leadership

Franciscan Hall, Room 102

Sarah community service

Service Learning

"Service learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities." 
~ Learn and Serve America

At Hilbert, our dedication to our community is strong.  All incoming students enrolled in traditional undergraduate programs are required to complete service learning as part of an academic course in order to graduate.  This commitment made by administration and faculty reinforces the importance of the connection made through service in educating our students and increasing their understanding of society. 

Hilbert believes that service is an integral part of creating a well-rounded college experience for our students.  Nestled in the sophomore year of our Hilbert Blueprint, service learning provides an opportunity for our students to embrace the college’s mission and values while strengthening our communities. 

Service Learning Committee

The Service Learning Committee is an integral part of Hilbert College's service-learning efforts. Members of the Committee help identify priorities for service-learning, serve as faculty liaisons to other faculty members and community organizations, and support professional development. Committee membership is not restricted to faculty; staff members are welcome and encouraged to serve on the committee. 

Committee Members:
Dr. Julie Kusmierz, Psychology
Dr. David Reis, Religious Studies
Prof. Dan Roland, Business Administration
Dr. Amy Smith, English
Ms. Rachel Wozniak, Service Learning & Community Engagement