Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joy.
~~ “Prayer of St. Francis” - Anonymous
In this time of transition and uncertainty, we look to our Catholic, Franciscan heritage for strength and hope, finding there the assurance of God’s infinite love for us in all times and seasons.
St. Francis of Assisi urged us to praise God at all times and to be instruments of God’s peace in times of adversity. Inspired by his example, we pray:
For all those who are ill, and for the medical staff who care for them; especially those whose resources are stretched thin. We pray that through God’s providential care they may gain access to the help and healing they need.
For our leaders, researchers, and all those with grave public responsibilities at this time; that God would grant them wisdom and prudence in their decision making.
For our Hilbert students as they go forth from our campus to places of shelter and study; for their safety, consolation, and well-being, and for the success of their online studies.
For all those who work for Hilbert, as we adjust generously and creatively to new challenges; that we might receive strength, stamina, and cheerful hearts to weather these circumstances.
For all those affected in the world, especially the most vulnerable: We pray in a special way for populations without adequate access to medical care, and those already at risk through displacement, hunger, homelessness, chronic illness, and economic or political collapse.
We pray in a special way for the health and well-being of our beloved founders, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph. May God grant all of us patience in uncertainty, generosity in difficulty, hope in this time of fear, and trust in God’s abiding presence.
May the God who created us, who watches over all endings, new beginnings and journeys, watch over all of us today and every day. Amen.