Health Screening Details for Fall 2020
Office of the President
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Greetings to the Hilbert College Community:
As a requirement of New York State in keeping our students and employees safe, we have developed a collaborative arrangement between Inspired Health Group (IHG) and Hilbert College. Inspired Health Group, an integrated medical practice in Orchard Park (ten minutes from the Campus), will be Hilbert College’s primary medical provider throughout the school year.
Hilbert will be sending you a pass code to your email that is unique which will allow you to set up and then access your personalized portal through Inspired Health Group. The portal will be utilized to complete COVID-19 screening questions. You are not required to enter in any personal or medical information in any way to the portal as it will only be used for health monitoring screening purposes.
This screening is mandatory, and you will need to access the portal before coming onto campus. Please be aware that this screening instrument is NOT an app, but similar to a typical patient portal that you would access through your own primary medical provider.
Students will need to complete this tool every Monday and Thursday during the semester, prior to coming on campus. You will receive email push notifications on those two days each week.
If you are having any issues with accessing the portal you should call IHG at 716-662-7008. You can also contact Dr. Christopher Siuta, Director, Counseling, Health, & Wellness for any other issues or questions at 716-926-8930.
I ask for your support with this self-assessment process and your participation is mandatory, if we are to keep our campus safe.
Looking forward to seeing everyone back at Hilbert!

Dr. Michael Brophy
President of Hilbert College