From the President on behalf of the Comeback Task Force
Update for All Employees
July 2, 2020
I hope that you and yours are enjoying the summer. Now that we're close to getting back to campus, I write on behalf of the Comeback Task Force to advise all Hilbert employees of our plans to return in a phased-in fashion. Here are the details:
1. Final confirmation of this plan will be sent to all employees by July 24th. By that point the Task Force will have finalized and submitted our policies and procedures for operating the College during the pandemic to the State of New York.
2. Starting July 27, all employees will need to self-screen for the virus each time they come to campus. More to follow on this software application ASAP.
3. All employees with documented health vulnerabilities will be able to request to work from home through the pandemic. More to follow ASAP.
4. Only employees deemed essential (admissions, finance, facilities, technology, and campus safety) will be allowed on campus from today through July 24th. This allows staff to prepare offices, facilities, and buildings for our phased move-in. Short visits by other employees are not encouraged and only allowed with campus safety's approval.
5. With few exceptions, all facilities will be CLOSED From July 13-19. These exceptions include Franciscan Hall, the Campus Center, and Maintenance.
6. Employees will return to campus according to this schedule:
- July 27th: Enrollment, Residence Life, President (VPs Bowen and Roberts, President Brophy)
- August 3rd: Student Life, Administration and Marketing/Communications (VPs Boland and Roberts and Executive Director Heidt)
- August 10th: Athletics (Director Valentine)
- August 17th: Academic Affairs and all faculty, Institutional Advancement (Interim Provost Brophy and VP Christy)
7. Senior Staff will be responsible for working with College staff to assure that the changes and accommodations for their area's physical work places are safe, healthy, and functional.
8. Non-essential guests or guest groups will NOT be allowed on campus until further notice. More to follow.
9. Groups of students will begin to return to campus the week of August 17th with the arrival of our fall sport student athletes and resident assistants.
10. Undergraduate classes begin on August 31st.
11. All of our facilities will have been disinfected at least once before July 27th.
12. Information related to the virus and out-of-state travel will be forthcoming, based on recent NYS guidance.
13. The employee handbook and the student code of conduct will be updated to address health/safety compliance and the responsibilities we all have as Hilbert community members.
Although it won't be easy, I hope we can get back to normal as quickly as possible. Please consult with your Senior Staff representative with questions specific to your department or division. I have asked each of them to "own" the details of your return as there is nothing more important than your health and safety.
I am always happy to hear from folks across the College, so just email or text me if you need to.
Happy 4th!